Friday, July 9, 2010

The greatest mystery

Again in literature, films, for me the topic of afterlife, or a state of bliss
has been interesting for me. In 2001 after traveling star distances Dave, arrives
to an hotel room, a beautiful room, that place represents a place made with his
memories by the aliens, to help him with the transition; a place where he could
let go the traces of humanity, in order to become an active part of the Universe.
Someone who could travel through space using the interwoven transportation system that exist in the very fabric of the universe. For me that hotel room, is where I
would like to cease to be, just wondering seconds before the last grasp, if I am
going to be a part of the Universe´s plan, or If my body will stop working, the flesh, and then darkness, oblivition, nothing else.

In the movie AI David, again David, gets his wish of spending a single day with his mother after waiting thousands of years. The mechas are able to grant his wish, and then he awakes in the place where he first met her, there in their house; they prepare food, coffee, they play, and as the day is moving the sun´s light changes showing the passage of time, near the end of the day the bright orange light engulfs the house, and there David embraces his mother, preparing to sleep. A perfect day, just a single day; for me its represents the richness that a single day, hours, minutes with the people that is important, that brief time could mean everything, the bliss, the greatest we could ever obtained by the fact that we are mere humans.

In Lost, the afterlife is the place where you encounter again that important person, or persons, and in there you can let go what we could not before, that weight on our chest, that taste in our mouth, and feeling inside our head that did not let us move on, where?

That final place, that hotel room, david´s house, the church in Lost, there you are able to be conscious that all your life mattered, that everything was worth waiting for, because you will have again just that single day, and when that day ends the greatest mystery awaits, the mystery I believe we cannot understand, my guts tell my we cannot.

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